Guernsey Post celebrates Chines New Year with fifth stamp issue

Guernsey Post announces the release of stamps to celebrate the Year of the Dog, the fifth edition in its Lunar New Year series (issue date: 1 February 2018).

Created by Sydney-based illustrator Chrissy Lau, each of the six stamps takes inspiration from China’s famous Pekingese “lion dogs” that were specifically bred to resemble lions and are highly regarded in Buddhism. Lion statues are commonly used as lucky Feng Shui ornaments and statues and can be found at building entrances including temples, Chinese Imperial palaces and wealthy homes, to stave off negative energy whilst symbolising power and protection. 

The Sitting Pekingese Lion Dog (44p stamp) wears a Chinese lantern design necklace inspired by those worn by the Fu Dogs, whilst the Skipping Pekingese Dog (59p) has a floral rose pattern to its body, which is referred to as the Familie Rose longevity pattern inspired by ancient Chinese ceramics, vases, plates, ginger jars and tea pots.  

The Loyal Pekingese Lion Dog (60p) features a bat pattern to its body that represents good luck and fortune, whilst the Chinese symbol in the middle of the five bat design represents longevity; the Pekingese Lion Dog with the Ball (73p) takes its inspiration from the Yang Fu Lion Dog statues; and, the Mother Dog & Pup (50p) body designs feature an infinite knot pattern commonly seen on Chinese New Year lanterns to symbolise longevity, happiness and prosperity.

Inspired by the Fu guardian dogs, The Fortune Guardian Dogs stamp (90p) reflects the importance that the male and female statues should be displayed together for complete protection. The female Pekingese dog sits on the left side and represents compassion and support, whilst Male Fu dogs are seen with the ball under their paw and sit on the right side of a building. 

Bridget Yabsley, head of philatelic at Guernsey Post said: - “These striking stamps feature a rich colour pallet and intricate designs.  The use of red symbolises good fortune and joy and is often used in celebrations, whilst gold represents wealth, prosperity and happiness.”

The stamps are available to pre-order from 18th January 2018 at or by calling Philatelic Customer Services on +44 (0) 1481 716486.